Good Things Take Time
The first step is choosing to make a change. From there, you will have good days, you will have bad days, but as long as you stay consistent, you will meet your goal!

Failed Back Surgery
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome is a condition where even after surgery, the pain continues to persist in the patient’s back or spine. Unbelievably, this can happen to between 20% and 40% of patients!

Fertility Acupuncture
What you have heard is true! Acupuncture for fertility increases your chances of conception by 65%! Here’s how…

Bell’s Palsy
Bell’s Palsy is a condition that causes sudden weakness in the muscles of only half the face. It causes drooping, a lopsided smile, and an inability to close the eye.

Fibromyalgia is a multi-system condition with prevalence worldwide. The US alone has over 10 million reported cases, so if you think you may be suffering, you are not alone. Affected individuals are predominantly women who experience body-wide muscular pain along with fatigue, impaired sleep, GI discomfort, and mood dysfunction.

Endometriosis Relief
A question we get from all of our endometriosis patients is “what can I do at home to help manage my endo symptoms.

Sciatica Treatment
Although sciatica can be due to a sudden injury, a herniated disc, or arthritis, the most common causes are from improper sitting, lack of exercise, or unbalanced movement.

Ozone Therapy
O3 regenerative therapy is a synergistic treatment used to enhance the effects of other types of treatment. O3 therapy is a pure medical-grade oxygen that is converted into ozone in order to treat many different health conditions.

FSM Therapy
Did you know that Acupuncture is just one of the treatments that we do here at West Knox Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine?

Acupuncture Fun Facts
Here are a few interesting acupuncture facts that we thought would be fun to share with you!!

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?
One of the top conditions we treat here at WKA is NEUROPATHY and our patients are showing drastic improvement in their symptoms!

Healthy Immune System Tips
Here are some tips we like to give our patients that they can do at home.

Meet Dr. Monica
For over 20 years, Dr. Monica has been helping women transition through all stages of life.

Meet Dr. AJ Sarrat
Dr. A.J. Sarrat is our specialist in treating CHRONIC CONDITIONS, NEUROPATHY, and PAIN MANAGEMENT.

Meet Your Doctors!
We wanted to take a minute to give a little welcome to all you and tell you a little about Drs. AJ & Monica Sarrat!