SAAT (Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment)

Your Solution for Long-Term Allergy Relief

Food and environmental allergies, as well as Alpha-Gal Syndrome, are prevalent medical issues in daily practice, particularly in Knoxville, ranked among the top 10 cities in the country for severe allergies. Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT) has been validated to alleviate allergy symptoms and potentially achieve long-term elimination.

SAAT (Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment)

By addressing the body's tendency to overreact to harmless substances, SAAT aims to retrain the body's response, leading to a reduction in allergic reactions over time.

  • SAAT is a powerful single-needle treatment developed over 20 years ago to provide long-term relief from allergy symptoms.

  • Dr. Nader Soliman created SAAT after being influenced by the work of Dr. Paul Nogier. Dr. Monica Sarrat has received direct training and certification from Dr. Soliman, bringing this valuable knowledge to Knoxville.

  • This treatment is recommended for various allergy types, including environmental, food, animal, medication, and toxins allergies.

  • We treat adults 18 and over with SAAT.

What can SAAT treat?

SAAT, or Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment, offers an effective approach to addressing various allergies. This treatment method can alleviate sensitivities to various food items, animals, environmental toxins, household allergens, and common allergens found in Knoxville, such as pollens, trees, grasses, weeds, and medications. SAAT is also beneficial for managing allergies like the Alpha-Gal allergy and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).

Moreover, it has shown efficacy in addressing hormone, fertility, and immune-related allergic conditions. This integrative approach aims to provide relief and improve the overall well-being of individuals dealing with diverse allergic responses.

What is Alpha-Gal?

Alpha-Gal Syndrome is the so-called ‘red meat’ allergy caused by a tick bite. The Lone Star tick is known to cause sensitivity to a sugar molecule (galactose-α-1,3-galactose) found in most mammals. Alpha-gal can be found in meats such as pork, beef, rabbit, lamb, and venison as well as products made from mammals (including gelatin, cow’s milk, and milk products).

The alpha-gal carbohydrate is found in the tick’s saliva, which is injected into a person’s skin during the tick’s feeding. In response, the person’s body releases immunoglobulin E antibodies to combat the foreign substance’s presence. Later, the person’s immune system may mount an attack after red meat is eaten and the Alpha-Gal carbohydrate is digested.

Alpha-Gal Syndrome can manifest as hives, swelling, stomach upset, diarrhea, stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, headaches, a drop in blood pressure, and in certain individuals, anaphylaxis. Reactions to eating meat, meat fumes, or food products and cosmetics that contain red meat byproducts may be experienced hours after coming into contact by those suffering from Alpha-Gal Syndrome, making the cause of symptoms difficult to detect.

SAAT has been shown to provide the strongest relief from alpha-gal allergy symptoms among all other techniques! You can read more from a study done about its effectiveness for Alpha-Gal here.

What is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome occurs when mast cells become overreactive. Histamine is one of the many inflammatory chemicals produced by overactive mast cells. MCAS symptoms may range from mild to severe, including hives, flushing, and digestive symptoms. MCAS may also be present when there is brain fog, sinus congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, or headaches after eating certain foods.

Joint pain, fibromyalgia pain, anxiety, and palpitations have also been reported by those with mast cell issues.

With the addition of two homeopathic remedies and two ear needles, SAAT can help those with MCAS experience fewer to no symptoms!

What are Fertility or Hormone Allergies?

Hormone allergies can significantly impact fertility by disrupting the delicate hormonal balance necessary for reproductive health. Allergic reactions to hormones, such as those used in fertility treatments, can manifest as various symptoms, including skin rashes, swelling, or difficulty breathing. In cases where individuals are allergic to hormones crucial for reproductive processes, such as estrogen or progesterone, fertility may be impaired. Allergic reactions can interfere with ovulation, implantation, or sperm production, leading to difficulties in conceiving.

Additionally, managing hormone allergies during fertility treatments can pose challenges, as it may limit the types of medications or procedures that can be safely utilized. Therefore, addressing hormone allergies is essential in the comprehensive assessment and management of infertility concerns.

SAAT has been studied and used for over a decade to help retrain the immune system and put fertility allergies in remission!

What are the needles like? Does it hurt? How do the needles stay in place?

The needles used for SAAT are extremely small, about 3mm or 1/8”.

A single needle is inserted at an extremely precise location for each allergen being treated (this location will vary from one patient to the next). The needle is inserted parallel to the skin surface; once it is in place, most patients cannot feel it.  

The needle(s) are then firmly affixed for 3-4 weeks using medical adhesive and tape.

When should I schedule my SAAT session?

As you consider when to schedule your session, please keep the following in mind for the 3-4 weeks that the needle(s) are in place:

  • The site around the SAAT needle needs to be kept dry. We will provide you with a cover to use while bathing, but please schedule your session at a time when you will be able to avoid swimming or other activities when your ears are likely to get wet. 

  • The site around the SAAT needle needs to be kept clean. The tape that is applied over the needle(s) is adequate to keep the site clean for normal wear, but it is best to avoid activities where you will be exposed to more than the usual amount of dirt, grime, and dust as long as the needles are in place. 

  • You will get the best results from SAAT if you avoid the allergenic substance(s) being treated for the 3-4 weeks that the needle(s) are in place. Food allergens should be avoided completely while the needles are in place. Exposure to environmental allergens should be minimized as much as possible. If you have anaphylaxis in response to exposure to your allergies, we require you to maintain your currently prescribed medication protocol (e.g., Benadryl, EpiPen, etc.).

  • If you have seasonal allergies, it is preferable to schedule SAAT prior to rather than during your usual allergy season. 

How many treatments are required?

If the needle stays in place properly for 3-4 weeks, only one treatment is generally required for each allergen. In most cases, we can treat four to eight allergens in a single SAAT session (this will vary based on the size of your ear and the location of the active points associated with each allergen). 

Clinical improvement, however, depends heavily on identifying and treating all the allergens contributing to symptoms. For instance, if you experience allergic symptoms when you are around cats, you may be reacting to cat dander, cat hair, cat saliva, secretions from cat sebaceous glands, and/or cat urine. Although treating one of these substances with SAAT is likely to reduce the intensity of your symptoms significantly, the reaction will not go away until all facets of the allergy are addressed. 

Seasonal allergy sufferers typically react to multiple allergens — during peak allergy times, there may be dozens of pollens from various trees, grasses, and flowers, as well as substances like dust, mold, and fungus contributing to symptoms. In many cases, we can treat “tree mix,” “grass mix,” or “mold mix” with a single SAAT needle, but if your reaction to a particular allergen is exceptionally severe, that substance may need to be treated with its own needle. We can also test for allergens specific to the Knoxville area.

In the case of alpha-gal allergy, it is important to remember that the saliva from the Lone Star tick (the insect that triggers alpha-gal allergy) causes the human body to overproduce IgE. In addition to reacting to galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal), sufferers may also develop allergies to other food and environmental substances. The relief of symptoms will depend on identifying and treating all these substances.

What is the testing procedure?

As noted above, the success of SAAT depends largely on the identification of all substances that provoke symptoms. 

If you have already undergone allergy testing, please bring a printed copy of your results to your appointment. The Elimination Diet is the Gold Standard for identifying food allergies. 

If you have not already identified your allergies, you will need to schedule testing in our clinic prior to SAAT (testing can be performed on the same day as SAAT needle placement). We will use Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) and Electronically Imprinted Testing Samples (EITS) to identify the substances contributing to your symptoms.

At the beginning of the visit, you will be tested to see if you are allergic to the needle or adhesive. If you show allergy to one or both, treatment for these must happen first before proceeding with the original allergy treatment.

We are currently equipped with the EITS filters to test for over 450 Environmental and Food allergens. If you require treatment for an allergen not on this list, please let us know in advance of your appointment so that we can obtain the resonance filter needed to test and treat you.